Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Keeping it real

It has been a few days, I have been busy! .....Have been hitting it hard on my fitness goal for the year.(its not the only thing I have been doing! haha) Found a great place to connect and track my calories and exercise..it is called sparkpeople. I began a challenge with a friend before Christmas....and let it slip. I could not find my motivation...but thank God I have it now. It is the keeping it that is the trouble for me. I have gone up and down my whole life! Have discovered I have so many things that keep me from having victory in this area. Thinking in the back of my mind that I really can't is a biggie, actually being addicted to food is also a biggie. I have chosen to stay away from the foods that trigger me such as sugar, flour, any processed foods. I did so well for awhile...dealing with health issues derailed me. No longer, I have drawn a line in the sand....through Christ I can do anything! I tell this to my kids, and my youth group kids all the time...but in the area of my health and weight..have not applied it to me. I really feel like a switch has been "switched"...and will do what is needed this time to see the journey to the end..and to keep the switch on. Putting this out there for the few who read this helps cement my goals.
I desire in all areas to be authentic..to always "keep it real". Do you keep it real, are you authentic? We need more out there who are willing to go out on the limb and say.."yep, I struggle too, but through Him all things are possible." More who are willing to not put on a the good face so that everyone thinks all is rosey.
I love my life that I have been given, love my kids...and am so thankful for them all.I truly feel like I have the best husband who is not only my lover, he is my best friend, I love the Lord but ..... I confess I look in the mirror and feel...less than. So," keeping it real" I will be working on that......I challenge any of who who read this...what is your "keeping it real " area? Lets be authentic together!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dreaming big

Heading off to town in a bit to meet with some awesome pastors..we are going to dream together! We are believing for God to do awesome things in this state; through the teens. I giggled to myself just now as I realised I even titled this dreaming......I had to go for a sleep study a week or so ago..and one of the things they found is that I dream waaaaay too much in my sleep! I will find out more when the test is done being analyzed.....but so far, yep it confirms I am a dreamer! I want my dreams to count though..no just random happenings that is so often the case in our sleep. What is a dream anyway? A dream is a condition or achievement that is longed for; and aspiration. God has placed in all of us hopes and dreams He wants to fulfill in us, and through us. My family's lives in the past 7 years or so have been in limbo in so many areas--waiting for some huge miracles. It seems that God has made us experts in dreaming, because there are days, weeks, months that it is all we had! Some of those things in our heart are starting to come to be--it is so scary, and yet so exciting at the same time! I desire each day , each dream to be numbered- to be wise, not random as in my nighttime dreams.
So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12~~
So, go before me today Lord...help me dream big..in You ....We want to see a generation running hard after the things of God! I want to run hard after You! I want my own children to also! Make all of us into dreamers for Your sake.
I will end with this praise song from a long time ago--makes me feel a bit old haha!
"I'm gonna dream big dreams, accomplish great things. Climb many mountains with God, for I can do anything through Him who gives strength to me, I 'm going to dream big dreams for God."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New post, new day!
Heading off to Sioux falls today. I had a Dr. appt. that got cancelled.We are going anyway...need to run in the fine arts papers on time, and will get some groceries while we are there. Funny how for most, and for the majority of our lives going to Walmart was at the most a 20 minute trip..now it is over 3 hrs! There are times it can be frustrating to travel that far for specialty Dr. appts. and extra stuff that the little towns here do not have....but for the most part it has come to be a gift. It is time in the vehicle to reflect, pray, sing. Especially the times I travel alone. The times we go together, it is time to talk, to dream.to connect. The other gift is the fact that this is not the norm. The traffic is not the norm, the stores are not the norm, the busyness is NOT the norm! When we travel there and bring all of the kids they are usually excited to go, its a treat.! We might go to Burger King, or if there are just a few along..maybe even Cold Stone! They have learned to be thankful for the small things, the things that 6 years ago were the NORM. Today 6 years later I am thankful to a faithful God who knows what He is doing, knows how to capture our attention in all things. So, Lord..on this cloudy, foggy day...on my way to the big city of Sioux falls--thank You for the small things, the long drive we have to connect with one another, the vehicle that gets us there all the time, and for taking us out and away from the NORM.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ice, Ice baby....School was called off. School in Winner where our church is was not cancelled. Now the big decision of if we are having youth group tonight! We are leaning towards no. So much to do to get ready for fine arts....practices tonight for dramas. God will redeem our time though! We are behind already d/t so many blizzards....
Fun times here~ The girls are all playing barbie happily...I will pretend it does not bother me that they have totally rearranged the family room to play this game!
Trenton is angry
because he has to go back outside to get the horse back in the coral. He felt sorry for Bob, because the donkeys were out..so he let the horse out too!
Brayden is on his 4th time out...being a meanie today!!
The older 2 boys....are fighting over boots!
Dean says---"These kids need to be in school!"
Haha!! The smell of beef vegetable soup is overtaking the house, what a great meal for a nice iced in day!!!
Amidst the chaos of the day...I am so thankful to the Lord that my kids live in a free country where they have a school to go to that gets called off, Thankful for power, and the makings for my wonderful soup...and thankful for this houseful that I have been blessed with!